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Who's behind "But, Does It Have Dairy?

Meet Keri. Like dairy, but with no y, and, well... no dairy. 


Growing up in South Georgia, Keri was raised with absolutely no concept of eating mindfully. At any given time there was a ham hock in the vegetables and a deer in the freezer. After spending most of her childhood overweight (and grossed out by the weird things in meat) she became vegetarian post leaving home. After 4 years of vegetarianism, she transitioned to veganism while learning the principle of Ahimsa in YTT. 

3 years later, Keri has found her passion in cooking up recipes that lack in animal products but not in flavor. Her hope is to show the world that vegan food is more than salad and hummus (although a proud hummusapien) and that you can help the environment without being hungry. Follow along on her journey to experiment with new ingredients and honor animal souls and human stouls (the soul in your stomach.) Good food, good mood. 

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